When you have kids, you start doing new things which makes your kid engaged and happy. Celebrating Easter was never my kind of thing but now with my girl growing up, I have started to explore new things for her. Easter is not just about baskets full of gifts or candies. Easter is all about the hunt. This year we went for Easter egg hunt for the first time and we are going to continue this trend every year because we had so much fun.

Egg hunt Fun: Only preparation I had to do was to get her bunny hair band, bunny dress, bunny shoes and bunny basket. We knew that baby J is not going to hunt many eggs because she actually don’t know what hunting means but she surely had a blast running around with her basket and trying to figure out what other kids are looking for.

Easter comes in spring season. kids meet Easter bunny and gets candies. We too met Easter bunny and clicked pictures.

Easter fun activity for toddlers at home: Toddlers are always super energetic and we should keep finding new activities for building their motor skills. Because its Easter season so I planned one fun activity for my kiddo. Its ‘decorate the egg with your little bunny hands’. This is super easy and you don’t need to buy anything expensive. I had everything at home.

Things you need:

  1. 3 – 4 Colorful papers for cutting different shapes (as shown in part 1 and 2 in below image)
  2. 1 dark color sheet for cutting it into egg shape
  3. Scissor
  4. Glue
  5. 1 white sheet to stick the egg cutting on it ( or you can use any other paper)(as shown I part 4 in below image)

When you are done with cutting the egg and pasting it on a sheet then apply glue all over the egg so that we can paste our cuttings on it easily.

Show your kiddo how to pick and paste the cuttings over egg. The idea is to teach them so that they can do it by themselves.

After some time let your kid explore the whole thing and fill the egg with shapes. It helps building their motor skills.

Isn’t it simple and fun and cost effective? You can try this activity for any other theme too. Like Christmas you can cut the paper in a tree shape or if it’s Diwali you can cut it in Diya shape.

If you try our Easter fun activity at home let us know how it went by leaving a comment or you can share what other activities you plan for your kids? You know sharing is caring right J

Happy Easter !

Egg hunt Fun: Only preparation I had to do was to get her bunny hair band, bunny dress, bunny shoes and bunny basket. We knew that baby J is not going to hunt many eggs because she actually don’t know what hunting means but she surely had a blast running around with her basket and trying to figure out what other kids are looking for. SaveSave



